


一)粉枣:取自较强壮的豪猪。这些分泌物在豪猪体内经过一段较长的时间才形成。是价格最贵的。粉枣的颜色大部分呈红褐色,粉红色,巧克力色等。表面粗但较 实心,触摸时感觉较其他枣硬。有些粉枣横切观之似有一层层的细纹。闻起来它有浓郁的带腥的异味也有一点中草药的香气。入口时味道甘苦,药疗的功效大同小 异。

  假枣:假的豪猪枣都以粉枣居多,表面滑面有光泽,闻起来有有股甘草的味道!当结石在体内累积时是绝不会形成光滑的表面, 一些不良的商家制造时 为了要达到 甘苦的口感 会加下甘草和其他草药!





癌症 :能助镇痛; 化解化疗,电疗后的一些副作用;化痰排毒, 助使免疫细胞快速重生,控制,减轻病情。

肝病 :能快速清热解病毒,化脓消炎,提升免疫功能复原神速。





小孩份量:0.188g (半分)

成人份量:0.375 g (一分)

重病者一天服用三次;轻者一天一次(连吃三天)。 服用方法 :
(一) 空腹,先喝水,然后将豪猪枣粉末含在口中缓缓吞下。
(二) 空腹,先喝水,将豪猪枣粉末倒在汤匙内加点水,以牙签搅匀即可服用。




   箭猪枣、豪猪枣、河猪枣是同一种珍贵的中药,是豪猪体内的一种如结石般的东西,是一种能使患有绝症者起死回生,往往在生死关头救你一命,有着非常高药疗的 稀有珍品,对于肺癌、肝癌、白血病、脑膜炎、淋巴癌、乳腺癌有明显的功效,能够化解化疗、手术镇痛、免疫细胞重生,使患者快速复原!


 有意者可以联络JACKIE +60105426358



 Porcupine date is a rare "stone" that found in the stomach of a porcupine. 
 Porcupine is a mammalian that live in forests. It has a coat of sharp spines 
 that defend them from predators. It is herbivore. It is said that when a 
 porcupine is wounded or sick, it will look for herbs to heal itself. As the 
 healing progress, stone may form in the stomach.

 As the body system, genetic build up, and the environment where the porcupine 
 get herbs for healing are different from each other, hence the outlook, the 
 smoothness, the size, the quality, and the colours of the porcupine dates that 
 formed are different. 

 The porcupine date that stay longer in the body of the porcupine may has 
 bigger size, much more medicament properties, and hence better quality. 
 However, not all porcupines produce porcupine date in their bodies, and if it 
 does one porcupine only can form one porcupine date each. This is why 
 porcupine dates are of precious price. 

 There are 3 types of porcupine dates, namely, 

 1. "Blooded", 

 2. "Powdery", this type of porcupine date is found in much stronger 
  porcupine. It is of the best quality among all types and hence it 
  is the most expensive type of porcupine dates. It has smooth surface 
  and it is much more harder when compared to other types of porcupine 

 3. "Grassy", this type of porcupine date has more coarser surface when 
  compared to the other two types. It is of greenish brown colour. 
  Although it is among the cheapest porcupine date it is of good quality 
  as well.

 The differences depend on the regions where the porcupines are found. Nowadays, 
 the "blooded" is not common. The "powdery" and the "grassy" types are as good.

 In tradition, porcupine date had been used as medicine by hill tribes in the 
 Southern China and South-East Asia. Olden Chinese medical text had recorded the 
 uses of porcupine date. It is used as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, natural 
 antibody, immunization booster, and body-detox. 

 Today, the porcupine date is well-known in Chinese society in South-East Asia. 
 It is widely used by the Chinese Malaysian as an alternative medicine in the 
 treatment of cancer, dengue fever, meningitis, herpes, throat infection, 
 pneumonia and others.


 Children :  0.188 g
 Adult      :  0.375 g

 Take one to three times a day, depend on individual health conditions.


 Dissolve the powder in the mouth directly, or dissolve it in a table spoon 
 with water. It is best taken with an empty stomach.
       Medicinal value of porcupine date:
      Now with the advancement of medicine through research also confirmed the porcupine date
        there is some in the medical efficacy and value.
        It is obvious some of the following symptoms have additional medicinal properties. 

        After surgery:
        After surgery to resolve the general side effects such as pain, fever, help quickly recover. 

       Can help analgesic; resolve chemotherapy, some of the side effects of radiotherapy  
       after phlegm detoxification, immune cells help make rapid rebirth, control and alleviate the condition. 
       Liver disease:
       the virus can quickly heat solution, purulent inflammation, 
       enhance immune function to recover rapidly. 

       Various kinds of inflammation:
       a very efficient detoxification, drainage, anti-inflammatory,
      blood, tissue regeneration, analgesic efficacy, treatment of mosquito disease 

      for skin diseases, malignant sore, cardiovascular sclerosis, chills, heart qi pain, 
      stomach pain and other ailments have a certain effect. 

      In the health sector, for the prevention of cancer, to work late at night,
      excessive alcohol, work pressure is also very suitable for a family.
 Help immune cells quickly reborn!!


PORCUPINE DATE Porcupine Date powder Porcupine Date grassy powder Porcupine Date  grassy Porcupine Date CANCER
  Relieves the pain & infection

DATE Porcupine Date powder Porcupine Date grassy powder Porcupine Date  grassy Porcupine Date CANCER
  Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins and
 helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease,Asia,Malaysia,Singapore,China,USA porcupine dates


箭猪枣 豪猪枣 胃石/黄牛 解毒剂


 PINE DATE Porcupine Date powder Porcupine Date grassy powder Porcupine Date  grassy Porcupine Date CANCER
  Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins and
 helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease,Asia,Malaysia,Singapore,China,USA porcupine dates



PINE DATE Porcupine Date powder Porcupine Date grassy powder Porcupine Date  grassy Porcupine Date CANCER
  Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins and
 helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease,Asia,Malaysia,Singapore,China,USA porcupine dates

100%原装天然豪猪枣(箭猪枣)PORCUPINE DATE





PORCUPINE DATE Porcupine Date powder Porcupine Date grassy powder Porcupine Date  grassy Porcupine Date CANCER
  Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins and
 helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease,Asia,Malaysia,Singapore,China,USA porcupine dates